To become a member simply complete the application form online on this page. One of our friendly team members will contact you to arrange payment and collection of your membership card.
Is this a membership renewal or new application?*
Membership category (social, affiliate or service)*
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Other)*
Postal Address (if different)
If yes, state and sub-branch name:
ADF or Allied Armed Forces?
If Allied, which country:
Service Number/PMKeyS Number:
Service Arm (Navy, Army, Air Force)
Affiliate Applicants Only
Service (Australia or Allied Armed Force):
Service Number/PMKeyS Number:
Service Arm (Navy, Army, Air Force)
Your Own Current or Past Emergency Services Work:
Please detail your affiliated person's service below.
(Police, Fire Brigade (CVA/FRV), Ambulance or SES)
By clicking "Submit," you confirm that all information provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You also agree to abide by the terms and conditions of membership at the Warrnambool RSL, including any rules, policies, and guidelines set forth by the club. Membership is subject to approval and may be revoked in accordance with the club's regulations.